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Simple Drain: A Self-Plunging Simple and Effective Solution for Dry Trap

A dry trap is a new nightmare for hotel owners who are already facing customer decline due to coronavirus. As the hotel rooms remain empty for a long time, the P traps become dry and produce a foul sewer odor. This sewer odor is common in abandoned buildings or the parts of a building that are least used or not used for a long time. Sewer odor usually stems from sewer gas, which is a mixture of several gases containing compounds such as ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, methane, and so on. Inhalation of sewer gas could damage the respiratory system, and may have other severe consequences. How to avoid a dry trap? There is a new Simple Drain solution introduced by Crushproof Tubing for the hotel industry that allows hoteliers to avoid a dry trap. How does this product work? Why is it called a revolutionary product? Read the post to know the answers.

Simple Drain - Solution for Dry Trap

What is Dry Trap

The P trap is a device, which features a U-shaped tubing or pipe with two ends. One end is connected to the sink tailpipe and the other end to the main drain in the wall that leads to the sewer. The P trap holds a small amount of water, which prevents sewer gases from entering into living spaces through drain pipes.

Simple Drain: An Efficient Solution for Dry Trap

According to Todd Grayson, inventor and partner at Crushproof Tubing, this self-plunging drain is set to revolutionize drain traps, owing to its following user-friendly features:

  • Simple Drain is provided with a complete drain kit, which is ADA compliant.
  • The product features a rubber hose, which is equipped with a clip that inhibits the flow of sewer gas when the traps go dry.
  • The rubber construction of this hose helps ensure a better sealing quality and reduces the chances of leakage. Also, this construction helps reduce operating and repair costs for the long term.
  • This drain is 100% self-plunging, which means slow draining or clogged sinks can be easily fixed in seconds, without using chemicals.
  • Simple Drain can be installed in minutes using a pair of scissors and it is compatible with both S and P-type setups.
  • Being ADA compliant, a hotelier can save on padded covers, which are otherwise recommended for the drainpipes.
  • In addition to all these, the drain can be filled with a mixture of bleach and water, which helps kill or disinfect bacteria during the normal cleaning.

The team at Crushproof Tubing Company is confident that this Simple Drain product will ease dry trap worries of hoteliers with its durability, quality, and ease of disinfection. To know more, please get in touch with Crushproof Tubing team today.